Snow Storm in a Jar

This is a great experiment for someone who has craft supplies at home. Even if you’re not particularly crafty, most of those items can be found in your house. The ones you may not have are easy to find online or a local store. 

What You Need:

-clear jar


-baby oil (or vegetable oil)

-white paint

-stir stick


-glitter and blue food coloring are optional

What to Do: (you can click here to watch my video explanation)

-fill the jar ¾ up with oil

-in a separate bowl or cup, mix a few tablespoons of white paint and about one cup of water

-add glitter and food coloring to the oil 

-add the water and paint mix to the oil

-drop in Alka-Seltzer tabs one at a time

What This Teaches: 

This is less a teaching exercise than a fun activity that can help you have a conversation with your student about snow and some of the scientific properties of the elements we used. A snow storm is not actually created using white paint and Alka-Seltzer in the environment, but watching how the snow storm in our jar behaves can help us teach principles about the atmosphere!

Some relevant topics to cover may include:

You can click any of those links to go to posts I’ve written about those topics in the past! As always, if you have questions or need some help, just fill out the contact form here on my website!