Make a Weather Vane

We did an earlier post about how to make an anemometer, which measures wind speed (click here to see that). This post will help you make a weather vane, which measures the wind direction.  Both are critical to understanding the weather and can help you make a better forecast.

What you need: 

  • Cardboard or a sturdy paper plate - you can use the side of a cereal box or your latest Amazon shipment

  • Compass (or a compass app)

  • Clay

  • Cardstock or construction paper

  • Straw

  • Scissors

  • Permanent marker

  • Sharp pencil with a good eraser

  • A pin or thumbtack

What to do: 

  • It may be helpful to watch my video demonstration first. (here's the link)

  • On your cardboard or plate (if using a plate, flip it upside down) write North/East/South/West and draw lines to represent those quadrants. 

  • Cut and arrow head (triangle) and tail (square) out of the construction paper/card stock. Cut small notches in each end of your straw and insert the arrow into one and tail into the other. It's best to tape or glue those pieces into place. 

  • Put a glob of clay in the center of your plate/cardboard. Stick the sharp end of your pencil into the clay and wrap the clay tightly around it to keep it in place. 

  • Using the pin or thumbtack skewer the center of the straw so the pin goes all the way through it. Then stick the pin into the eraser, making sure it is loose enough the arrow can still spin. 

  • It's time to set your weather vane outside! Find a place where the wind won't be blocked by a building or anything. Then use your compass to find the right orientation for your directions.

Hannah Strong